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How Sad We Are

Started by hirishimatsu, November 22, 2003, 03:54:43 PM

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Have you ever mentioned to anyone that you are still using Wordstar? It's a real conversation killer isn't it! Not for us the tips, hints and tales of woe that the Microsoft community share with each other. All we get are strange looks and awkward responses about how good DOS products were in their day. However, we (most of the dummies reading this) still search through Ebay hoping to find that elusive gem (in my case WS2000) that someone has decided to free from their attic. And when we get it, the discs are treated with reverence and multiple copies are produced, just so we don't have to go through the whole painful process again.

Why! For me the answer is clear. Wordstar is a program that does what I want it to.

1. It is fairly bomb-proof even when operating under windows.
2. It forbids me to use a mouse, which means that I am forced to touch type.
3. It doesn't let me fiddle with format while I am typing, which I am prone to do when using Word.
4. It does what I expect and nothing more.
5. It has built in security because most people don't have a clue how to use it.

I could contine to list many more reasons, but the truth of the matter is very simple. I, like many others, still use Wordstar because it's a very effective tool which contains elements of design and functionality that are not offered by many other Word Processing programs. I agree it's not all that entertaining visually, but for those of us who have to write long sections of prose, it's still considered a class act.


Forum Admin

I normally get greeted with silence when I mention I run this site - most people haven't a clue what I'm talking about. "Err? What was it you said the site was about?", "what is this WordStar thing?".

Is it us that's sad, or is it them and their innocent ignorance?
Forum Administrator
WordStar Resource Site

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I have been laughed at and received plenty of big, dumb "huh" looks.  I'm a writer, using WS 7.0 hours per day.  I've tried every other word processing program I could find and I always come back to WS.  So I tell people this.  I don't think there's ever been a better word processing program made for the working writer.  It's the only program that gives you a clean black screen with green characters, easy on the eyes.  

People don't seem to understand the command structure and the fact that everything can be done from the keyboard.  I think they've become addicted to dragging, droping, sizing, clicking, etc.  I'm proud to be in the minority, here.